
Population projection by hydrographic region

Mozambique has a total surface of around 801,590 square kilometers, around 8% of the entire surface of Southern Africa, estimated at 9.69 million square kilometers (including the island part with 590,000 square kilometers).

According to projections from the general population census (INE, 2007), in 2015 Mozambique had a population of around 25.53 million inhabitants, of which 17.55 million (69%) lived in rural areas and 7.98 million lived in urban areas (31%).

Population by hydrographic regions

Water Sector Action Plan for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030, Volume 1 – Water Document Management

In terms of regional distribution, according to the country’s hydrographic division, the Central-North region concentrates the largest proportion of the population (36%) followed by the South region with 22%, with the North region concentrating the lowest proportion with the equivalent to 10%.

The proportional distribution in 2030 is projected to maintain the predominance of the majority of the population in the Central-North region, followed by the South region and lastly the North region

Projections of the regional distribution of the urban population: 2015-2030

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Water Sector Action Plan for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030, Volume 1 – Water Document Management
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