DNGRHIndicators23 de October, 20232 de November, 2023List of Result IndicatorsResult indicators for the management of Water Resources in MozambiqueRead MoreList of Result Indicators
DNGRHIndicators23 de October, 20232 de November, 2023Management Instruments Number of existing plans and studies and their respective cost in MZN MTRead MoreManagement Instruments
DNGRHIndicators23 de October, 20232 de November, 2023MonitoringNumber of stations and piezometric holes and respective costs in MZN MTRead MoreMonitoring
DNGRHIndicators23 de October, 20232 de November, 2023Information sourcesIdentification of sources of information for the indicators presentedRead MoreInformation sources
DNGRHIndicators23 de October, 20232 de November, 2023DikesLength in Km of Operational and Projected Dikes and respective cost in MZN MTRead MoreDikes